Sunday, June 24, 2018

Highlights of and Link to the 2018 Texas Democratic Party Platform

Criminal Justice
Bail Reform
The Texas Democratic Party Supports amending Texas Constitution Art. 1 § 11, § 13 and Texas Code of Criminal 17.01 and 17.02 to create a pre-trial release system that:
·         presumes release on personal recognizance for people charged with non-violent offenses who have little or no criminal history;
·         requires immediate release of low-risk defendants under the least restrictive conditions necessary to guarantee appearance at court proceedings;


Texas Democrats support programs that decrease recidivism by providing ex-offenders with a pathway back to productive participation in society. Texas Democrats support reducing recidivism by:
·         increasing access to rehabilitation and re-entry programs, with a special emphasis on reducing drug use among people released from prison, including the reversal of policies that deny student loans and grants to those who have completed sentences for drug felonies; and
Mass Incarceration
·         ending the practice of sending poor people to jail or prison for inability to pay fines and court costs;
·         redirecting mentally ill offenders from the criminal justice system to treatment programs when the risk to public safety is low;
Eliminating Private Prisons
·         amending the Texas Constitution to require state and local governments to directly operate and perform all core services at prisons, jails, and detention facilities within the State of Texas, and expressly prohibit the use of private prisons, jails, and detention facilities within the State of Texas;
·         existing voter protection policies under the federal Voting Rights Act and the Texas Voting Rights Act, and restoration of the federal preclearance policies in the Voting Rights Act that were overturned by the Supreme Court;
·         instituting vote by mail for all elections – federal, state and local;
·         the creation of a nonpartisan redistricting commission to end racial and political gerrymandering in our redistricting process;
·         a constitutional amendment to eliminate the electoral college and award the presidency to the winner of the nationwide popular vote, and failing that, we urge all states to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, so that candidates must campaign everywhere and not just in swing states;
·         a return to paper ballots because they are more secure, much less expensive, and are the only method that can provide a truly auditable vote count;
·         the report and recommendations of the Unity Reform Commission to the Democratic National Committee as a carefully considered and eloquent prescription for strengthening democracy for all American citizens in general elections and Democratic Party nominations.
Ethics in Government
·         requiring elected officials throughout the state, including local or county officials, to file a personal financial statement to allow for more transparency; and
·         requiring every candidate for the President of the United States to disclose their complete federal tax return and, upon election, place private holdings in a blind trust for divestment.
Good Jobs Build Strong Communities
·         Every American should have a right to a job; therefore, federally funded jobs paying at least a living wage with health insurance and other typical benefits on projects selected by the states and local governments must be available in or near every community.
Healthcare for All
The Texas Democratic Party asserts that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege for the few. Texas Democrats recognize that the health and well-being of Texas residents cannot be based on decisions made by non-healthcare professionals whose primary concern is the financial well-being of a corporation rather than the well-being of an individual.
·         support the inclusion of a “Single Payer Option” as an addition to the plans currently offered under the state exchange systems;
Cannabis Reform
·         Texas legislation to legalize possession and use of cannabis and its derivatives and to regulate its use, production and sale as is successfully done in Colorado, Washington and other States;
Gun Violence Prevention
·         Closing loopholes that allow guns to be sold or traded without passing a mandatory and thorough background check;
·         Enacting legislation to require all individuals charged with domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, domestic or foreign terrorism, stalking or any violent felony to temporarily surrender all weapons and ammunition in their possession to law enforcement pending adjudication of their case(s);
·         Enacting sensible gun laws to curtail the availability of weapons with extended ammunition magazines, including rapid-fire, magazine-fed, military-style assault weapons;
Energy and Environment
A Moratorium on Fracking
·         a moratorium on new fracking wells;
·         set a goal of shutting down existing fracking wells by 2026;
·         set a goal of ending the practice of injecting wastewater by 2023;
Clean and Available Water
  • Access to clean drinking water is a human right.
·         strongly oppose the Trump Administration’s policy abusing children by of separating children from their parents at the southern border and denounce housing children in tent cities;
·         strongly oppose “tender age” shelters for infants and small children;
·         strongly oppose the Trump Administration so called “zero tolerance” approach to immigration;
·         strongly oppose the Trump Administration’s policy to no longer recognize asylum claims or Temporary Protected Status for refugees fleeing forced gang recruitment and violence perpetrated by gangs and refugees fleeing domestic violence;
·         support securing and protecting our border, while treating asylum seekers humanely;
·         strongly oppose any type of bans based on religious affiliation or country of origin;
·         strongly oppose efforts to build a border wall of any size and the unrealistic claim, and possibly abandoned claim, that a foreign country will pay for a border wall;

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