Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Difference Worthy of Voting

I’ve often heard non-voters say that they don’t bother to vote because all politicians are alike or it doesn’t matter who wins. Of course they’re always wrong but more so this year as there’s a tremendous contrast between Democrats and Republicans right now.

Congressional Democrats are working to put more Americans to work and assure them of better lives. Republicans in Congress are proposing to reduce spending on Social Security and Medicare to cover the deficit they created by giving 80% of tax cuts to millionaires. Most Americans aren’t noticing any difference in their take home pay.

There are two ways to cut that spending, they can tighten eligibility rules by raising the minimum age yet again or they can reduce benefits. Every time we raise retirement age we hurt lower income people more that higher income folks because it’s the lower income workers who do the jobs that wear out their bodies fastest. Raising the eligibility age for Medicare will financially hurt those with health conditions because they’ll be forced to stay on private insurance which will charge them higher premiums due to the care they need. As to cutting benefits, it’s already near impossible to retire on social security alone and still pay for health care, housing and other necessities.

Congressional Democrats on the other hand are proposing expanding Medicare to cover everyone which could cut premiums an average of 13%. Medicare has a 2% overhead rate while insurance companies are allowed 15% over the cost of medical care provided. Democrats also propose dealing with the high cost of medications and medical devices which will help control the overall cost of health care. State Democrats are expected to introduce legislation to create a Texas version of Medicare for All. Considering that Texas has the highest number of uninsured citizens in the country that would help a lot of folks. There will be a rally and march in support of both ideas at Hemisphair Park in San Antonio tomorrow at 10am.

Democrats also have proposed legislation to put more Americans to work called the Jobs for All Act and there is another proposal in discussion to create a federal job guarantee so that anyone who wants a job will have one that pays a living wage and provides benefits like paid vacations and sick leave. Democrats are also pushing to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage and index it for inflation so that workers don’t see their wages fall behind and have to wait a decade or more before action is taken to restore their purchasing power.

Actions speak louder than words and nearly every action Republicans have taken since Trump took office has harmed Americans in one way or another. Democrats are fighting to improve all our lives by assuring that every American has access to health care, every worker earns a living wage and can retire with dignity at a reasonable age, and anyone who wants to work has the opportunity whether or not the private sector needs them.

There is a huge difference between the parties and their candidates and that difference makes it worth the effort to vote. If you have moved recently take a few minutes to update your voter registration, remind family and friends who have moved to do the same. We can change the direction of the country in November but we have to start now.

Published in the Seguin Gazette - June 15, 2018

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