San Antonio
May 18, 2009
The Honorable Charles Gonzalez
727 E. Durango Blvd.
San Antonio, TX
Dear Congressman Gonzalez,
This green hard hat is presented to remind you that putting real muscle in the American Clean Energy and Security Act will jumpstart the economy and create millions of well paying local jobs. 5 million national and 13,000 San Antonio Moveon members are asking Congress to get to work so we can too. The economy is in bad shape and unemployment is expected to continue rising for over a year so we need you to pass a clean energy jobs bill that will bring jobs home to San Antonio and the rest of his district.
It’s a shame that Big Coal and CPS seem to have convinced you to weaken key provisions of the bill by claiming that stronger measures would increase electric bills. The reality is that if the strong provisions we advocate are included homeowners won’t see an increase and over time would save money because they’d be using less energy. The provisions we’re advocating would:
• Include strong standards for energy efficiency and cleaner, cheaper energy sources like wind and solar
• Make polluters pay their fair share for the transition to a clean energy economy
• Not weaken current law to favor dirty coal at the expense of clean energy jobs
A clean energy economy will help small businesses grow and reduce electricity usage for the average American family. Moveon members have teamed up with small business leaders here in San Antonio and all over the country to support a strong clean energy jobs bill. We’re joining together to ask you to pass an energy policy that works for all of us instead of corporate special interests.
All of us at San Antonio
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