Thursday, July 4, 2024

Biden Debate Results

 Many of us who watched the Presidential debate last week were disappointed in Joe Biden’s performance. Maybe that’s because he set such a high bar at the State of the Union address or at various venues during the primary. Those of us who want a Democrat in the White House wanted him to hit it out of the ballpark, but even great players have bad nights. Ask Barry Bonds who broke Hank Aaron’s Major League Baseball home run record.

Yes, Biden had a difficult night on stage and there was suddenly lots of fantasy talk that he should step down. You and I know what it’s like to have to go to work or take care of the family with a summer cold; we don’t have the energy to be cheerful and forceful. The reality is the people who most needed to be reached and convinced to vote for Biden, overwhelmingly saw through the lackluster energy and the verbal stumbling. Univision, the Spanish language television organization, hosted a focus group of independent and undecided Hispanic voters whom they interviewed after the debate. The previously undecided voters swung hard for Biden because they saw through the noise and recognized that Biden’s policies and aspirations were better for them than the vitriol and lies spewed by the convicted felon who opposed him.

Other news organizations found the same thing in their focus groups and the polls that checked in on voters after the debate showed similar results. Those who were previously undecided and watched the debate generally said they were more likely to vote for Biden than before the debate and less likely to vote for the former president.

If you still have anxiety over Biden’s debate performance check out his campaign event a day later, he’s far more energetic and forceful in his delivery.

I’m not sure that Trump made a single truthful statement the entire night other than perhaps when talking about his golf game. He most certainly lied about who thought it was a good idea to overturn Roe v. Wade and send abortion regulation back to the states. Trump lied about his purported success controlling the flow of undocumented immigrants, as such border crossings were higher during his administration’s 4 years in office than under former President Barack Obama’s 8 years.

If you go to the grocery you can’t have missed that grocery prices have gone up significantly over the last several years. My experience of around a 20% increase turns out to be about what the national statistics say grocery prices have increased which is a far cry from the tripling or quadrupling that Trump claimed. Heck, if Trump’s claim was true my monthly grocery bill would be significantly than my mortgage payment.

Trump is still making claims about election fraud in the 2020 election even though various state officials, including Republicans in Georgia, said the 2020 election was legitimate. Trump’s own attorney general, William Barr, said that he had not seen fraud on a scale that would invalidate Joe Biden’s victory. Those aren’t all the lies Trump told, just some of the highlights.

The most important reason to support Joe Biden is the same reason former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger has endorsed Biden despite his differences on policy. Kinzinger said “I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above of all us. It’s because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, I’m endorsing Joe Biden for reelection.”

Published in the Seguin Gazette - July 3, 2024

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