Thursday, October 8, 2020

The President's Dereliction of Duty

 “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle—it will disappear”, so said the science denier-in-chief on February 27. The president repeated such claims for months. Now it’s the first week of October, he’s is in the hospital with a case of COVID-19. As of Sunday afternoon the smoke and mirrors put up by the White House has obscured just how sick the president is.

We do know that his symptoms are severe enough that his doctors have given him a three drug cocktail including an experimental drug and Dexamethasone, which is a steroid that the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health recommend be given only in severe cases. One in ten cases of COVID-19 requires hospitalization; less that two in a hundred require treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU). Being the president it’s likely that he is being monitored similarly to an ICU patient regardless of the severity of his condition but the drugs he’s being given suggest he is in bad shape and of those who have been ill enough to be treated in an ICU less than half survive. I’d like to point out that his doctors are not treating him with his fantasy drug of choice, hydroxychloroquine, which he touted repeatedly as a cure.

We know the president tested positive on Wednesday so he was infected already when he appeared at the debate and made fun of Joe Biden for always wearing a mask. Perhaps if he had shown the leadership that Americans expect of a president he would have been wearing a mask since March and would have encouraged his followers to do so as well instead of advocating against them. Had he done so, his aide Hope Hicks and three Republican senators might not have also tested positive for COVID-19 last week. This nation might also not have suffered at least some of the 210,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 so far if he’d actually taken the leadership role expected of a president.

This president’s failure to act according to expert advice from the medical community has put public health at risk. That failure has left us with the ninth highest rate of deaths per capita in the entire world. We’re in company with such third world nations as Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador. This isn’t just incompetence; as Professor Allan Lichtman, a historian at American University for 50 years, put it “This is the greatest dereliction of duty in the history of the U.S. presidency.”

Typically a COVID-19 hospital stay is one to two weeks while those who are treated in an intensive care unit and survive typically exit the hospital in two to four weeks. So if the president recovers he’ll likely have just three weeks left to campaign and possibly much less. I wonder how his supporters will spin his hospitalization. How will they react if he actually dies of COVID-19 in the coming weeks? Will they shrug it off? Will they claim some sort of liberal or deep state conspiracy is responsible? More important, how will the 4% of likely voters who are undecided see this failure to even protect himself?

Republicans from the president on down to the state legislature have failed to take action to minimize the spread of a deadly contagion and they deserve to be voted out. In Guadalupe County there are fourteen races with Democrats running and this is the first election since straight ticket voting was eliminated. Be sure to pick all fourteen Democrats when you go to the polls or fill out your mail in ballot.

Published in the Seguin Gazette - October 7, 2020

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