As it is Thanksgiving week I’ll tell you what I’m thankful for besides my family and my job. I’m thankful for Medicare which has allowed my wife to have health insurance since she became disabled more than 20 years ago. Without Medicare no private insurer would cover her until the Affordable Care Act was passed and even that would have been so expensive that we would likely be living paycheck to paycheck like so many other Texans. Medicare isn’t perfect and it doesn’t cover most dental or vision care. Medicare did cover her for open heart surgery, cataract surgery, and treatment for sepsis in a leg that nearly killed her.
I’m thankful for the improvements to Medicare Part D that have reduced my wife’s pharmacy bills over the last couple of years. One of the improvements was the limit on the price of insulin which is a life saving change for many as they often had to choose between insulin and paying rent or buying groceries. Considering how many prescriptions drugs, including insulin, my wife takes not having Part D coverage would have broken us years ago. She qualified for Catastrophic Coverage back in October this year so most medications since then have had no co-pay. According to the projection offered when we renewed her Part D coverage for next year, she’ll qualify much earlier in the year reducing out total pharmacy bill to less than half of this year’s amount.
I’m thankful for the Affordable Care Act through which my brother is covered now that his employer laid off the entire staff and closed its doors. His insurance is not cheap and it isn’t as good as what he had through his employer but at 63 with no the best health it’s important to have insurance at all. The Affordable Care Act provides for expanded Medicaid coverage in many other states, though Texas Republicans chose to punish the some hardest working yet poorest workers in the country by choosing not to take the federal money available. Republican have tried in vain to kill the Affordable Care Act dozens of times since it was passed during the first Obama administration, they couldn’t even manage when Trump was president the first time. Now they’ll get another shot at it. Let’s hope they fail again.
I’m thankful that Joe Biden surprised me and made a strong push for clean energy via regulation and policy as well as working to pass legislation to fund more projects even if some of the benefits are still several years away.
I’m thankful for all the men and women across this country who stood up and ran for elected office as Democrats. Running for office takes guts, it takes hard work, and it takes someone who is at least moderately comfortable talking to people they’ve never met and who may not even be interested in talking to them. It takes a special kind of person to have the fortitude to do those things.
Last but most definitely not least, I’m thankful for the Democratic Party County Chairs, Precinct Chairs, and all the volunteers that blockwalked, phone banked, wrote postcards, and sent text messages in an effort to get people out to vote. I know they worked hard in Texas even though turnout here was less than 61% of registered voters. That’s pretty pathetic as only six states had worse, including Oklahoma with less than 55% turnout. Texas turnout was lower than it has been in years. It doesn’t matter how hard you work or how much time you spend if people just can’t be bothered.