On Black Friday, for the third year in a row, demonstrators
gathered at Walmart’s across the nation; but this year was different because
for the first time there were demonstrators at the Schertz store as well as
1500 other locations. The local demonstrators pointed out that Walmart, like
too many other large and profitable companies, receives subsidies from our tax
dollars because they pay the staff so poorly that many of their families
qualify for and receive Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program benefits,
formerly known as food stamps. Many also qualify for Medicaid and other taxpayer
financed assistance.
Forbes magazine reports that Walmart accounts for $6.2
billion in such subsidies every year. Raising minimum wage to at least the
poverty line would significantly reduce the $400,000 per year subsidy that an
average Walmart location gets from us, the taxpayers.
In addition demonstrators called for Walmart to make more
positions full time so that more employees would qualify for company health
insurance benefits. Another issue discussed was unpredictable and erratic scheduling
that makes it difficult to take care of family needs like doctor appointments
and meetings at school.
Our 32nd president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when explaining
his support for the original minimum wage bill he signed into law said: “No
business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its
workers has any right to continue in this country.” It’s long past time that
our legislators end this corporate welfare.