In Beverly Nuckols letter published
December 18 she states “Because of air travel, any enemy is no more than a few
hours away — or only minutes, as North Korea demonstrated last week with their
rocket launch.” She mentions it as if it were some reason not to reduce our
bloated military budget. Osama bin Laden wasn’t deterred from attacking this
nation by our vast military superiority as exemplified by 5,200 nuclear missiles
or 10 aircraft carriers we had then and still have today. None of those weapons
could have stopped the Twin
Towers from being
destroyed and none were used to kill bin Laden yet our military budget increased
by around $300 billion per year over the last 22 years.
Nuckols also says we should begin by
eliminating budget items added since 2009. I’m all for that since one of the
first things added was funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which the
Bush administration had kept out of the budget so it would look like it wasn’t
affecting our national deficit.